We all are facing turbulent times during the corona crisis. Most of us have to stay at home and are to some degree stressed out. The best way to keep you calm, relaxed and focused is dedicating some time for exercising each day. 

Are you in self-isolation or quarantine? Going to the gym is not possible or advisable at the moment. Practising social distancing is vital. 

Make the best out of your time and get fit and ready with Meglio. 

In recent years home workout programs have become a popular way to add some flavour to your everyday life. It is a popular way to burn fat, adding muscle mass, enhance athletic performance and endurance and raise your metabolism. Get all the incredible benefits of your home workout program. 

Home workout program doesn’t require hours and hours of training in the gym. It can help you to get fit in a short amount of time when performed correctly. 


# Increases metabolism up to 48 hours

How to raise metabolism? Workout programs including interval training can help to enhance your metabolism for hours after training and exercising. A raised metabolic rate has shown that the body can burn fat even in times when you are not training. The body is capable of increasing oxygen intake after a workout program. It, therefore, boosts the circulation and helps to detoxify faster. 

# Do I need training equipment?

There is no special equipment necessary when doing a home workout program. Using a good foundation (mat) is of advantage for your joints, enhances your grip and makes it an overall softer experience for your body. You can use resistance bands and resistance loops to take the workout a step even further. Resistance bands are a great tool to replace bulky weights and dumbbells.

# Build muscles while burning fat

How to lose weight? Home workout programs can be an effective way to gain muscle mass and develop lean muscles. Simultaneously it has shown to burn fat even more effectively than doing prolonged steady workouts. 

#  Does it improve overall health?

Home workout program doesn’t only make you more enduring, activated and lean; it helps you to improve your overall health. Studies have shown that workout programs including intensity intervals decrease blood sugar levels. It also seems to balance heart rate and blood pressure. 


An excellent way to start a home workout program is, to begin with, a 10-minute walk to warm up all the muscles and joints and to increase the oxygen levels in your system. Short daily walks are essential to add some variety to your daily life.  

Grab your yoga mat, some water and get started with the best workout program moves in your living room with Meglio. 

If you want to add intervals to your training there are nowadays great apps to track your timing. Outsource your counting and focus on you. 


Come down to your mat into a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, a flat back and an activated core. Keep your eyes gazing downwards. Bring your right knee to your chest and back. Alternate legs for 20 seconds in a quick manner. Rest in plank position for 10 seconds or to modify, in child’s pose. Repeat intervals at least 4 times. To challenge your Mountain Climbers, place a resistance loop or band around the soles of your feet. 



Burpees are a great way to train your whole body. 

Start on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists, your toes tucked and your knees hovering above the ground. Pay attention to your alignment and make sure you keep your spine straight. Press your hands into the ground and hop your feet between your hands. Get up into a squat position with your knees directly over your toes, while extending the arms. Go with the flow and add a long jump. When coming back to a squat position, take care of your knees. Bring your hands back down to the ground and jump your feet back to starting position. 20 seconds. 10 seconds rest in child’s pose. Repeat 4 times. 



Place a resistance loop around your thighs and come down to all fours with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees. Activate the core, keep a straight spine and your gaze downwards. Lift your right knee, so the palm of your foot is facing the sky. Keep it there and start quickly pulsing the leg. Do not collapse in your lower back here. 20 seconds. 10 seconds rest in child’s pose. Repeat 4 times. When you are ready, take it to your left side. 



Stand tall, tip your hips and slightly bend your knees. Keep your shoulders back and away from your ears. Take a few breaths here. Start running on the spot. Make sure your heels touch your butt every time you alternate. Right, left, right, left, and so on. 

20 seconds running. 10 seconds rest (step from side to side to cool down your metabolism in the resting phase). 4 repetitions. 


Lie down on your back flat on your mat. Place your feet slightly more than hip-width apart. Make sure not to arch your lower back. To modify, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Bring your hands behind your head for support. Activate your core and from your abdominal muscles start pulling up into a sit up. 


Home exercising is a great way to activate and raise your metabolism for up to 48 hours. Make sure to take it ‘slow’ in the beginning so your body can adapt to it. Get fit and stay healthy in your living room with Meglio. 


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8 Ways To Stay Calm & Healthy During The Quarantine ????‍♂️ Most of us are now facing the reality of restructuring our daily life to fit in with the current situation. It’s vital to stay physically and mentally focused during this period. Finding time to recenter and make your health and wellbeing is imperative! But, staying at home doesn’t mean you have to sit on the sofa for days on end watching TV. It is an excellent opportunity to redefine your routines and take time for things you have always wanted to do or could never make time for previously. At Meglio, we want you to make the best out of your new situation and to focus on the good things. We’ve made a list of our top 8 ways to stay calm & healthy during the quarantine: ???? Stick To Your Routines ????‍♂️ Home Workouts ???? Maintaining Hobbies ????‍???? Keeping Your Mind Active Find the rest of our top tips and the full post on the Meglio Hub – Link in bio ???? #NHS #NHSLondon #StaySafeStayHome #coronavirus #covid_19 #homeworkout #workout #stayathome #workfromhome

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Feeling stressed and scared due to the Covid-19 crises? 

During this turbulent time of Coronavirus and all manner of flu, making the right moves can help to boost your immunity and detoxify your whole system! Not everything that might seem healthy can help you to get you through. Often, less is more. Over-exercising, stress and certain moves can be counterproductive and withhold toxins in your body. That can leave your body and immune system strained and vulnerable. 

Being in a calm headspace is evenly important than regular exercises and a healthy diet. Pairing a healthy diet with your exercises contributes up to 70 – 80% of your physical results. Fuel your body with healthy foods. 

# Detoxify faster

How to detoxify the body? Doing the right exercises can assist you to flush toxins from your body. Being physically active enhances lung and airways function, which, on the other hand, helps to detoxify through the lungs. Oxygen acts as a natural bacteria killer. The more oxygen you get in your system, the easier is it to ‘empty’ your system. 

 # Decreases stress levels

How to destress? Numerous studies have shown, that being stressed has and negative impact on your immune system. The body is fighting a constant battle and may not have enough energy to fight against illness. Nevertheless, being stressed can prolong recovery. The best you can do for your health is to destress through exercising, a healthy diet and staying connected. Physical activity slows down the release of stress hormones. 


Grab your meglio mat and get started with the top 5 moves to boost your immune system. This is a short sequence you can add as a warm-up to your regular practice or just do it on its own and experience all the great benefits. 

#1 Breathwork

Get seated on your meglio mat in a lotus position or on a pillow. Place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your belly. Sit with a straight spine and slightly bow your head down. Close your eyes. Take a deep inhale and widen your belly as far as you can. Pause for a few seconds. On your exhale, squeeze your  abdominal muscles and press out all the air. Pause for a few seconds and repeat for 3 minutes. (You can do this after airing your room or in front on an open window.)

#2 Mountain Climbers

Come down to your meglio mat on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists. Step your feet back. Keep your body in one straight line and your gaze downwards. Take a deep breath and engage your core. Bring your right knee towards your chest and step it back. Alternate.  Take 10 steps on each side at a slow pace. When you feel warmed up, enhance the speed and ‘run up the mountain’. Run 20 seconds and pause. Make sure you do not compromise your straight spine here. 

#3 Plank Curls

Come down to your mat on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists. Step your feet back. Keep your body in one straight line and your gaze downwards. On your inhale, extend your right leg and lift it from the mat (parallel to the floor). On your exhale bring your knee towards your chest, try to touch your forehead while bowing down your head. On your inhale bring your leg back (parallel to the mat) or let it rest on your toes. Repeat 8 times on your right side and when you are ready, take it to your left. 

#4 Spinal Twist

Get seated on your mat and extend your legs. Bend your left knee, bring your foot over your right knee and place it flat on the mat (next to your right knee). Straighten your spine. Bring your right elbow now to your left knee. Keep your shoulder down and away from the ears. Reach your left arm now back and place your hand on the mat behind you. You should feel a slight twist in your spine already. On your inhale lengthen your spine and on your exhale, go deeper into the twist. Be very gentle with yourself. Take some breaths in that position. This is an excellent practice to detoxify your liver. When you are ready, repeat this movement on your other side. 

#5 Restorative Legs Up

Take a yoga block, a foam roller or a thick book. Lie down on your back on your mat. Place the book/block/roller under your hips/sacrum. Bend your knees and bring your hands overhead. Enjoy some beautiful breaths here. When you are ready, extend your legs and flex your feet. Keep this position for 3 minutes. Slowly bring your legs back down, remove the roller/block/book and relax in a final resting position for another 2 minutes. (Women should avoid inverse moves during their period.)


The best way to support your immune system is to relieve stress from the body. Keep your headspace cleansed, calm and healthy. Detoxify with us and get through the challenging times with Meglio. 


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8 Ways To Stay Calm & Healthy During The Quarantine ????‍♂️ Most of us are now facing the reality of restructuring our daily life to fit in with the current situation. It’s vital to stay physically and mentally focused during this period. Finding time to recenter and make your health and wellbeing is imperative! But, staying at home doesn’t mean you have to sit on the sofa for days on end watching TV. It is an excellent opportunity to redefine your routines and take time for things you have always wanted to do or could never make time for previously. At Meglio, we want you to make the best out of your new situation and to focus on the good things. We’ve made a list of our top 8 ways to stay calm & healthy during the quarantine: ???? Stick To Your Routines ????‍♂️ Home Workouts ???? Maintaining Hobbies ????‍???? Keeping Your Mind Active Find the rest of our top tips and the full post on the Meglio Hub – Link in bio ???? #NHS #NHSLondon #StaySafeStayHome #coronavirus #covid_19 #homeworkout #workout #stayathome #workfromhome

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How to keep your practice virtually open and keep physiotherapy going?

Even though the Coronavirus forced us to slow down public life, some people are still in need of physiotherapy. Physiotherapists help us get back on track after experiencing an accident, an operation or other chronic issues. They are an essential part of the healthcare system, and thanks to their expertise, they can often perform small miracles! Common problems such as back pain, muscle imbalances, stiff neck, painful joints can be eased with the help of therapists. 

It is essential to follow the NHS and government advice on the current situation. Here are some links to monitor the current situation:





Our physiotherapy heroes are needed more than ever. Great flexibility from therapists and clients is needed. 

Even though you probably are not able to conduct a hand-on therapy session, there are some ways to support your clients and help them through uncertain times:


Video Consultations

In some cases, you might be able to offer video consultations to your patients. You can help them to structure their daily life and provide help in unclear situations. It is a way to reinforce the client’s initiative. To ensure that the well-being of your patients is guaranteed in any case and to take into account the high level of safety requirements, make sure to stay connected.

Anyone with a stable Internet connection, a smartphone, tablet or PC and a prescription for physiotherapy can take advantage of this telemedicine option.

You can use Skype, FaceTime or Whatsapp Video for your consultations.

Dee Opp from DeeOppYoga.com Shares her experience and how she does video yoga classes.

I have been practising yoga for 30 years and have seen my practice evolve and my ability to overcome adversity increase in my own life. I feel the reason I have been practising is to prepare me for times like this. This current sate of a global pandemic is challenging on so many levels.  Even though I am physically isolated, I am choosing to feel part of the whole.

Even though I am on lock down I am choosing to remain focused and available to offer a bit of solace to those who need a bit of calm in their life. Technology is working in our favour to allow us to connect with others virtually. The best advice is to make it all about connection and care. As human beings we need to be heard and seen. Offer small bits of information that they are able to practice on their own. Empower people to care for themselves. This could offer us a chance to radically alter how we perceive the whole health care regime. All providers of health care can work virtually except for necessary hands on manipulation which is still valid and needed. But for now we can focus on what we CAN do, not what we are no longer able to do.

I have had profound interactions on-line as a yoga therapist in training. As long as we can communicate clearly and with compassion, the opportunity for a therapeutic exchange is always possible. The most important exchange between two beings is kindness.

Yoga over skype   Virtual consultation  

Follow Dee on Instagram @deeoppyoga


Video Exercises

You can compile and record video exercises or guide them via video consultation. Feel free to browse our Meglio TV library for inspiration. Video exercises are an excellent tool to assist in therapy sessions, especially when you are not able to put your hands on your patients. 

You want to be there for your patients even in times of crisis and prevent them from regressing in rehabilitation. And perhaps a small video exercise session is also a welcome distraction in these difficult times.


Equipment to use at home

Meglio is currently still delivering products. We offer the necessary supply and equipment for all kinds of exercises (resistance bands & loops, massage balls & eggs, yoga mats & co). Your patients can purchase on mymeglio.com and get the products delivered to them. To keep an update on our delivery statuses, please check our website or Facebook page.

  Exercise Gym Ball Anti Burst PVC



Follow Meglio on our Facebook page. Join the discussion on our Facebook page. See the advice of others.  

This is a small ray of light, especially for those who are in self isolation. 

Stay healthy, stay home. 


Most of us are now facing the reality of restructuring our daily life. It’s vital to stay physically and mentally focused during this period. Finding time to recenter and make your health and wellbeing is imperative.

#flattenthecurve means to slow down the rapid spread of the Covid-19, according to the NHS. #flattenthecurve means social distancing and spending as little time as possible with friends and family.

But, staying at home doesn’t mean sitting on your sofa for days on end watching TV and being unhappy. It is an excellent opportunity to redefine your routines and take time for things you have always wanted to do. It is more than understandable that it can be overwhelming at the beginning. Fear is a natural human reaction. It might help to think about the fact we are all in this together.

At Meglio, we want you to make the best out of your new situation and to focus on the good things.

1 Stick To Your Routines

Due to the extraordinary circumstances, you might not be able to stick to your routine. A lot of everyday things like going out in the evenings for a drink, visiting a concert, outdoor activities or going to work are on hold at the moment. Staying at home is of great importance for the wellbeing of all.
If you are self-isolated at the moment and have nobody to share your flat and time with, it is even more important to stick to a routine and keep your mood up.

Top Tips:

  • How to start your daily routines? It might be tempting to spend all day in your comfy pyjamas. It’s really important however to remove yourself from this relaxed environment. Try to make a definitive switch between your relax/work home setup. If possible, try not to work in the same room you sleep in (E.G. your bedroom).
  • Make time for self-care and a healthy breakfast. Now you have more time to experiment with cooking and to discover new flavours of the world.
  • Create a working space if you’re now working from home.Take breaks and talk to loved ones when you feel the urge.
  • Avoid blue light (smartphones, laptops and TV) after sunset. This will block Melatonin production and can disturb your sleeping cycle.

2 Resistance Band Workout

Thought about trying something new? If you are someone who wants to spice up your workout routine, a resistance band can open up a world of new possibilities. Want to tone muscles you never thought you could? Look for our workout program collection with resistance bands and loops. There are countless ways to use resistance bands. A great benefit of training with resistance bands is that you are forced to make controlled movements which, on the other hand, can help you to prevent injuries.

Tip: If you are new to resistance bands start with the lightest resistance to get a feeling for working out. Your body needs time to adapt.

3 Home Workouts

Exercising is amazing on so many levels! It helps to get the circulation going, reduces stress, anxiety and depression. It is beneficial for the heart and the brain. It boosts mood and energy and improves the quality of your sleep. Never had the time to start a home workout routine? Now is the time to get it started.

Tip: Before starting any exercise, make sure to warm up your joints. Hydrate well and do not exercise with a full stomach.

4 Maintaining Hobbies

Even though times are turbulent and uncertain, it gives us a great opportunity to do things we always wanted to do, but never had the time to because we were always so busy.
Always wanted to read that one book you got for Christmas? Never tried the sewing machine? Ever wanted to have time to cook that one special meal?
This is the best occasion to focus on things you always wanted to do. And the best, no one is forcing or rushing you, and you can do it in your own rhythm.

Tip: Have you ever tried to make your own  music? Or Singing? What about crafts like upcycling old items? Journaling is a great tool to organise feelings, worries and thoughts. There are many ways to keep yourself busy. Try to find something that brings you joy and where you can see results! Sharing your success with friends and family will enhance your mood. And never underestimate the power of decluttering.

5 Yoga

When you can’t go outside, go inside! A saying you can find everywhere now on social platforms. And it is so true. Yoga is the perfect tool to go inside and become aware of one’s feelings and emotions. Yoga reduces stress and boosts your immune system. Dedicating just 30 minutes a day for yoga poses and stretches will help you to conquer the day.

Tip: Make yourself a dedicated yoga area. Switch to comfy sports clothes and roll out your mat. Set up your laptop and let’s go.

6 Meditation

Anxiety, worries, panic, fear. All those emotions are natural and want to tell you something. Studies have shown that meditation and breathwork are essential to deal with stress, depression and anxiety. Meditation will help you to get clear about your feelings and how to deal with them. After meditating, you might be able to see things in a different light and understand the meaning behind the current circumstances.

Tip: You can use guided meditations with specific themes E.g: ‘How to deal with fear’, ‘How to reduce stress’ or ‘How to deal with uncertainty’ and many more. Journaling can also be very meditative and healing.

7 Workout & Chat With Friends – Facetime/Skype

Since most of us are advised to stay at home, it can be a fun idea to go on a ‘workout-date’ with your friends via Facetime, Skype or any other communication channel. Whether you perform a joint exercise routine or simply discuss the events of the day, it is an excellent way to keep your spirits up during the day. And it is so much fun! All people are looking for a connection, fun and some distraction. Why not make the best out of it with a ‘workout-date’? You are simultaneously destressing and sharing laughter with your friends. You can break your solitude and feel connected and do something good for your body.

Tip: Exercising in the mornings can assist your brain to keep the serotonin levels high throughout the day and let you sleep better at night.

8 Keep Your Mind Active

Keep your mind active during these rough times. You can start a course on a topic you were always interested in. E.G: Photography, Arts, Spirituality, Handicrafts or anything your heart desires.
Riddles, puzzles, crosswords are perfect ways to keep your mind active. Try out a Rubiks Cube. You can find alternative ways to learn maths on the internet. Especially when you are rotating in your four walls or feel stressed out, a little sudoku can help your mind to maintain sharp.

Tip: Contact your friends and make a little crossword challenge in real-time.

Embrace this opportunity and get the fittest and happiest you have ever been. And always keep in mind, you can be a role model for so many people. Stay healthy and safe.