Are you looking for a piece of affordable workout equipment that is not only easy to integrate into your daily routine, but also a lot of fun? Are you looking for a way to spice up your rehab-sessions and gain a lot of benefits for your patients? 

Adding a wobble board to your daily workout/routine doesn’t require a lot of time to change things up. It is not only the perfect rehabilitation tool, but its countless possibilities and benefits will blow your mind. 

There is so much more to a wobble board than balance exercises. 

If you ever had a sprained ankle, weak ankles, back pain, overall weak muscle tone (especially core, thighs, calves and lower back) or a lousy body posture, you are well-advised to implement a wobble board in your daily routine. 

Wobble boards can be used alongside other training exercises to enhance and maximise your efforts and strength. Placed under a desk, your workspace or if you simply sit on a couch watching TV, a wobble board helps you to keep your ankles mobilised and therefore helps to prevent injuries. 

As we said, it doesn’t require a lot of time or effort to change things up. But the small changes make the difference. It is also widely used in rehabilitation due to its versatile properties. It is whole-body training that not only reduces the risk of injuries, chronic back pain and bad body posture but at the same time enhances stability, strength, endurance and coordination. Professional athletes, physiotherapists and sport beginners are thrilled about the wobble board. 


What are the benefits of using a wobble board? We could fill pages to list all the benefits that come with using a wobble or balance board. Take a look at the following:

Great for proprioception/body awareness

How to improve your body awareness? Proprioception refers to the perception or feeling of self-movement and how all parts of the body relate to each other. Sensory receptors transmit inputs to the brain that are received from the outside. Once a movement is learnt, it’s not easy to unlearn. A wobble board triggers the proprioceptive receptors enormously, because one must constantly adapt to unexpected, ever-changing movements. 

Strengthens connective tissue / fascia

What is fascia, and how to work with it? Fascia is a connective tissue that fuses all internal body parts (organs, muscles, ligaments and so on) from head to toe. When blockages occur, circulation of body fluids such as blood and lymph can be impaired, which can lead to pain, under-supply, tight spots and many more. The wobble board is designed to provide whole-body training, which strengthens the fascia magnificently. 

Enhances stability, strength & ROM

How to improve strength, balance and range of motion? Exercising on a wobble board brings countless benefits. One is that it improves your basic stance enormously. You feel more grounded and secure in walking on even and uneven surfaces. It strengthens joints, ligaments and muscles and simultaneously increases your range of motion. 


We have gathered the top 5 moves for you to make you feel healthy and balanced. 

Get ready for the Wobble Board:

Place the wobble board on an even and dry floor in front of you and sit down on a chair. Place your feet on the board and play ‘around the clock’ with it while sitting, to get a feeling for the range of motion. Adjust the interspace between your feet as it feels good to you. The wider, the easier. The closer, the harder. 


Place the wobble board on an even and dry floor close (you should be able to move freely) to a wall or a steady object. For support and balance hold on to the wall or stable object and place your right foot at the outer right edge of the board. Find balance and put your left foot on the outer left side. Play ‘around the clock’ with the wobble board and when you feel safe, stand freely without holding on to something. It might take a while to figure it out. 

Make sure to align your spine, draw the shoulders back and away from the ears and engage your core.

Always come back to the steady object for support if you need to. Try to play around with the board (as you did while sitting) for 1 minute. 

In the beginning, the edges will still touch the ground, but the longer you play with it, the more comfortable you can let the edges ‘hover’ above the ground without letting them touch the floor.


Find your stance at the board as described in #1. Now, tilt the board forward and backwards by letting the edges touch the floor. Always hold on to something for support if you need it. Tilt back and forth for 30 seconds. 

Come back to centre and tilt the board sidewards by letting the edges touch the floor. Tilt from left to right and from right to left for 30 seconds. 


Find your stance at the board as described in #1. Tilt the board forward, so it touches the ground. Draw with the edges of the board now semi-circles (‘half around the clock’) on the ground starting from left to right and from right to left. Semi-circle for about 30 seconds. You can do the semi-circles in all four directions (left, front, right and back). Per 30 seconds. 


Place a yoga mat on the floor and your wobble board on the ground above. Come down on your knees and place your hands on the board. Make sure to keep your hands on the board and not on the edges to prevent squeezing your fingers in between ground and board. 

Find your balance on the board by adding more weight to your upper body. Slowly and with control, step your feet back and come into a plank position. Keep your elbows close to your sides, and do not exceed a 90° angle. Make one straight line with your body, engage your core and hold that plank for 10 seconds. Pause. Repeat for another 15 seconds. 


Hold on to a steady object and place your right foot in the middle of the wobble board. Find your balance and step your left leg back into a lunge position (take several steps if you need). Draw your shoulders back and away from the ears, lift your chest, engage your core and keep your hips square. Pay close attention to your lower back here to avoid overarching or pain. Do not exceed a 90° angle in your knee and keep your knee in one line with your ankle. Place your hands on your right knee for more support. Hold this position 15 seconds and repeat it on your other leg. 


You are looking for a cost-effective and versatile tool that helps you to enhance your muscles strength and reduces chronic back pain? Take a look at our new Meglio wobble board that offers you precisely what you are looking for. 

Are you one of those who likes to skip restorative moves after a workout? Or are you one of those who sees the benefits of cooling down after a hardcore cardio-training, long run or working out at the gym? 

Cooling down after a workout session is as equally important as the training itself, so do experts say. Not only you are minimising the risk of injury, but you are also helping your body to get in shape faster. Training or working out creates a great foundation to get even more benefits of the cooling down session. You can go deeper into the restorative poses, which makes them even more effective. 

Balance is key. Restorative stretching, poses or movements help you to balance actions you took while working out. Restorative poses can be twists, bends, stretches, hip opening and many more, which can give you a better understanding and feeling for your body. 

Practising cooling down moves regularly will enrich your whole workout routine. It helps to relieve stress, chronic back pain, inflexibility and bad body posture. It balances energy levels, tones up the body and increases happiness, immunity, fitness levels and countless more. 


What are the benefits of cooling down moves?

Faster recovery

How to recover faster after a workout? How to ease muscle soreness after training? Researches show that cooling down moves after exercising can reduce post-workout muscle soreness. Cooling down gives your body the chance to relax and the muscles to lengthen, which helps not only to feel less muscle pain but also increases the range of motion. 

Enhances nutrient supply

How to increase nutrient supply in the body? The circulation in the body can be improved and therefore enables better distribution of nutrients. Paired with a healthy diet, it becomes even more effective because the essential nutrients can be absorbed faster. The body can break down toxins or acids more quickly, which are also responsible for sore muscles. 

Makes you feel incredibly good

How to feel good? Cooldown exercises are an excellent way to relax the body after a hard workout. This, in turn, results in better mood and well-being. It calms the nerves, and you can handle everyday things much more relaxed. Forget stress!


Grab some water, your mat and your yoga bolster to cool down with Meglio after your training routine. 


Stand more than hip-width apart, lock your knees and engage your knee caps. Let your feet point forward. Interlace your fingers behind your back. Align your spine, draw your shoulders back and away from the ears and lift your chest. On your next exhale, bend forward, hinging from the hips with a straight spine. Let your hands follow that movement. Pause until you feel a slight stretch in the back of your legs and your shoulders and let yourself enjoy. Play with the stretch, go deeper if you feel like. You should never feel a stabbing pain in your muscles or joints. A dump sensation in the muscles is allowed. Always listen to your body. Try 30 seconds and slowly with control and a straight spine come back up. 


Lie down on your mat with your belly facing the floor. Bring your legs together and tilt your hips forward, so you have an excellent foundation to start the pose. Place your hands close to your upper body under your shoulders. Engage your core, straighten your neck and lift your chest slightly by pressing your weight into your hands. This is an excellent exercise for your back. On your next exhale, bring yourself back down to the floor. On your next inhale, repeat and stay there for 20 seconds. 


Take a seat on your mat. Bring the soles of your feet together and pull them towards your middle with your hands. If you need support for your knees, you can either place a yoga bolster or a yoga block underneath. Enjoy the stretch of your inner thighs and hips. Now, align your spine and hinge forward from your hips, not your back. That brings you even deeper into the stretch. Stay there for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Good job!


Sit down on your mat into a lotus position. Draw your shoulder back and away from the ears, lift your chest, engage your core and align your spine. Proper alignment is crucial here. Extend your hands over your head and keep your shoulders down. On your next exhale, stretch to your right by bringing your right hand to the floor. You should feel a gentle stretch on your left side. Intensify the stretch by going deeper, but never compromise your alignment here. Stay there for 30 seconds and come back to the centre in a controlled motion. Repeat on the other side for 30 seconds. 


Place your yoga mat close to a wall. Lie down on your back and bend your knees. Let your buttock touch the wall and let your feet wander up the wall. Place your hands wherever it feels right for you. Ideally, your legs are extended, but go as you think. To support your lower back, you can place a yoga bolster underneath your sacrum. Enjoy this beautiful posture for at least 5 minutes. Ladies, please skip this inversion pose, when you are menstruating. 


Want to make the best out of your workout? Make sure to keep balanced with cool down sessions and enjoy all the great benefits that come with it. If you want to feel less stressed, try out our short guide. Get relaxed with Meglio. 

What is underwrap tape and what is it used for?

Underwrap tape is a lightweight foam pre-wrap tape. It is the perfect preparation for use beneath adhesive and rigid zinc oxide tapes or cohesive elastic bandages.

It is designed to protect sensitive skin, reduces friction, chafing and scraping. 

The underwrap tape is a non-adhesive tape and used as a foam layer beneath adhesive tapes or bandages. It makes taping and strapping longer lasting and is more comfortable.

What are the benefits of using Underwrap tape?

Reduces friction, chafing and scraping

The soft foam layer reduces friction, chafing and scraping from the skin since it keeps the edges of tapes and bandages from rubbing.

Protects sensitive skin

It protects skin that is sensitive to dermatological adhesives. It also prevents the pulling out of fine body hair, which can sometimes be painful. 


Usually, one layer is sufficient to protect and support the affected skin areas, which makes it hardly noticeable from the weight.  

Makes taping and strapping longer lasting

Cohesive elastic bandages and adhesive zinc oxide tapes have a perfect stick on the underwrap tape. It cannot slip, and it is not exposed to sweat, which takes away the adhesion of the adhesive faster. 

How to apply Underwrap tape?

Skin preparation

Clean, dry and shaved skin provides the best foundation to apply and ensures the best adhesion. Wash your skin with a mild cleanser and water and remove any lotions, creams etc.

Choose length

Since the underwrap is non-adhesive, you can easily choose your length by wrapping it around the targeted area beforehand. Then cut it with a pair of scissors. 


The underwrap tape doesn’t need to be applied tightly, and it shouldn’t be loose either. Keep it close to the skin without any slack.

Apply adhesive tape

This step must fit. Loosen a small part of the adhesive tape and attach it to the area where you want to start. You can apply the adhesive tape on the go, which allows you to choose tightness and length of the tape. After using the adhesive tape, you can now remove/cut protrudes from the underwrap tape from the edges. 

Safe Usage

It is made of non-toxic and non-irritating materials. Still, in case you feel irritation on the skin after using underwrap tape, you should stop using the tape and refer to a health professional. 

Using underwrap tape beneath rigid, adhesive and cohesive tapes makes the removal painless and easy. It can easily be cut off by sliding a pair of scissors underneath the underwrap tape. It does not adhere to the skin, which makes it extra comfortable to wear. 

A bit about Elise…

My name is Elise Quarrington, I’m 26 years old, born in Ascot but I live in the wonderful Winchester countryside.

When did you get into sport and what sport did you do in your early years?

I was into everything as a kid – swimming, running, ice skating, horse riding… I settled on rowing as my main sport when I was a teenager and rowed to a National level. I was aiming for big things but unfortunately a bad back injury (stress fractures to my lower spine) put me out for a few years. I joined university and fell in love with swimming and fell into joining the triathlon club! Since then (2011) I have raced as a GB age group triathlete and loved competing. I have raced all over the world and want to keep racing over the upcoming years in some elite open water swim races.

What do you do and why?

Day to day I am a midwife, but I have recently started my own videography business as I wanted more flexibility in my routine. I love being a midwife, it’s a job that’s really like no other.

When did you find out you were diabetic? What were the symptoms?

I was diagnosed 3 years ago, on the day I was meant to be at my friend’s wedding. I had almost lost my eye sight, I had lost 6kgs of weight relatively quickly, I was drinking gallons of water – I had this in depth thirst I couldn’t get rid of. I remember going into an hours lecture and panicking that I only had 2 bottles of water and that wouldn’t be enough (looking back I wonder how I didn’t spot the symptoms sooner!). My family thought I looked grey and ill, I was shattered and turns out I was quite unwell! After waking up at 3am and downing 2 pint glasses of water, I decided this wasn’t normal and I went to the GP. My blood sugar levels were tested and came back at 32mmol/L (they’re supposed to be between 4 and 7….) and I was told it’s a medical miracle I’m still standing and not in a diabetic coma. I was started on insulin that day and the rest is history!

How does being diabetic impact your life and sport?

Having diabetes has been a roller-coaster of emotions. I have felt happy, sad, pain, angry, defeated, uplifted, encouraged…..everything comes with type 1 diabetes. I have always been determined not to let it stop me however. I want to encourage others with type 1 that it doesn’t stop you. Yes it’s a big change and adaptation to your life, but it has taught me so much strength and resilience. I don’t resent having it, I work with it to make my life and other’s lives better.

With regards to sport, I just have learnt the hard way that how I manage my session and my blood sugars depends on what I am doing. If I am doing a longer, slower endurance session I need to take a lot of carbs with me – cereal bars, bananas, jelly babies and sugar tablets. If I am doing a short fast session, my blood sugar generally spikes, so I don’t start the session if my levels are high already – I have to wait to be stable. If I am doing a race, I just start with my levels running a bit high and take sugar tablets on the course with me!

How do you manage it?

For me, I am learning as I go. There is a difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease, meaning no matter how healthy or fit you are you could get it – just like me. I was at the height of my sporting career and was diagnosed. However, now eating healthy does benefit my blood sugar control – I can still eat pizza and ice cream (don’t get me wrong, I love the stuff…) but a low carb dinner means I will have much more stable blood sugars through the night. I just like to think – I have diabetes, but diabetes doesn’t have me. I am in control of this, it is up to me how well I control this. Ok, sometimes I have terrible out of control blood sugar days that are unavoidable, every type 1 diabetic does, but I try to take a step back, take a deep breath and start tomorrow as a new day.

What’s next for you?

I am aiming to become a competitive open water swimmer – swimming has always been my strongest of the three and the one I most enjoy. I just need to find a way to eat sugar tablets underwater now….

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If you see anyone in pink fly past you on a training ride, it will probably be one of our #TeamMeglio athletes in their new summer kit. @the.athletic.diabetic is a very talented triathlete. She’s pretty inspirational as she has type 1 diabetes but doesn’t let that hold her back. She’s just trained to be a midwife and she’s a skilled videographer as well as a fitness model. Where are you planning to cycle this weekend? Watch out for the pink! #cyclinglife #forabetteryou #mymeglio #pinkjersey #castelli #cycleride #triathlete #triathlontraining #triathletesofinsta #tri4life #swimbikerun #sundaycycle #bankholidaycycling #triathlonteam #triathlon_world #training #cyclingphotos #cyclinggirl #cyclingclothing #cyclingjersey

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What Is Cohesive & Adhesive Tape?

An elastic tape with cohesive and adhesive properties, they are commonly used to stabilise non-load bearing joints, mainly elbows, wrists and fingers. They can be used to provide assistance and compression to your shoulders, knees and ankles. 

Made of an elastic, semi-rigid cotton, the tapes feel extra soft to the skin. Nevertheless, if you have sensitive skin, you can always use an underwrap tape alongside. One of its features is the strong self-adhesive side, which makes it super easy to apply and helps to stay in place, even under heavy use and challenging conditions. 

It is designed to guarantee the easiest application through its cohesive & adhesive features. Durability, air permeability and comfort in usage distinguish its quality. 

Are you are looking for the easiest way to support your joints during workouts? 

These tapes allows you to focus on performance, not an injury by supporting weak (over-flexible) joints without immobilising them. Adherent on one side, it makes it extra-easy to apply and even add compression to your targeted area. You can easily decide for yourself how strong or rigid you want to use the tape, so it meets your unique requirements. 


What are the benefits of using a Cohesive & Adhesive Tape? 


Our self-adhesive and cohesive tape makes it very comfortable to wear without worrying about it getting loose. It withstands challenging usage and conditions and ensures a durable and long-lasting wearing comfort. 

Allows skin to breathe

Made of semi-rigid and flexible cotton fabric, it allows the skin to breathe. The skin is not irritated, and you can concentrate fully on your performance. If you are prone to sensitive skin, make sure to use an underwrap tape.

Supports without immobilisation

The tape enables you to support your weak and over-flexible joints without being completely being deprived of mobility. It keeps the joints in ‘place’ and therefore assists you to perform in proper alignment. Its elastic properties help you to achieve your individual natural movements. 

Adds compression

Since it can be applied in numerous ways, you can add compression to your strapping technique or simply attach it as you require. Compression helps to drain additional synovial fluid from your joints. 

Strong & Durable

Cohesive & Adhesive Tape is strong and durable, so you don’t have to worry about it getting torn or loose during heavy usage. 

Unwind easily

The tapes are easy to unwind and helps to facilitate a smooth application without creating folds if applied correctly. An easy application will ensure better wearing comfort. 

Who uses cohesive & adhesive tape?

The tape is ideal for professional athletes and sport beginners. It also works for people who need some support for their joints after successful rehabilitation. It is a non-rigid tape which allows your joints to move and stabilise at the same time. It is perfectly suitable for shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees ankles and even fingers. Designed to give extra support to your joints without immobilising them. 

How to apply the Cohesive & Adhesive Tape?

1) Prepare the skin

Clean, dry and shaved skin provides the best foundation to apply and ensures the best adhesion. Wash your skin with a mild cleanser and water and remove any lotions, creams etc. You might want to shave the targeted area to avoid any hair removal after detaching the tape. Alternatively, you can apply an underwrap tape to avoid direct stickiness to the skin and save your body hair. 

2) Pick your size

The tape comes in various sizes. The bigger the joint, the broader the tape. Use the smallest size for finger strapping. For strapping (taping) E.G the wrists you might want to use several sizes. 

3) Handling the Tape

Unwind the tape by losing the edges evenly. Grab both ends smoothly and unwind the tape slowly. The best way to unwind it is as you go. Pulling large parts might cause a sticky mess. 

4) Safety Application

The tape works best at room temperature (20°C). Do not leave the tape in your car or direct sunlight or at a very cool place. It acts as a compression tape, so you need to stretch the tape as you apply it. The more stretch, to more compression. Apply as you need. Do not overstretch the tape. Too tightly applied tapes can cause blood flow deficiency and may affect blood circulation in targeted areas. If you feel uncomfortable, remove the tape, give it time to recovery and re-apply the tape less tightly. If you feel irritation caused by adhesive material, remove the tape and check with your health professional if underlying allergies exist. Discontinue using the tape. After it has been clarified, you can continue using the tape with attaching an underwrap tape underneath. 


Get support for your joints with Meglio and make your training more accessible. The Cohesive & Adhesive Tape is the perfect accessory to provide assistance for weak and over-flexible joints without immobilising them. Stay safe and healthy with Meglio.