Looking for more variation in your upper body workout? Need extra support for your grip strength? You’re a physiotherapist and you looking for a way to help your clients with tennis elbow, frozen shoulder or any other upper body impairment? Welcome to the Meglio Resistance Twist Bar. 

The bar is widely used for forearm and grip strengthening exercises that tone and build muscles. Exercises that can be performed include wrist abduction, thumb strengthening, eccentric twists, and soft tissue manipulation.

If you are seeking relief from painful conditions such as tendinitis, muscle shortening, stiff and tense muscle spots, epicondylitis, frozen shoulder and many more or if you simply want to tone up your upper body, the resistance twist bar can assist you in numerous ways. 

When you think of lousy body posture, the first thing that probably comes to mind is your back. But bad posture can also occur in all other body parts, such as wrists elbows, ankle, knees and so on. The Meglio resistance twist bar helps you to target bad and lousy posture in the joints of your upper body, and by doing the movements correctly, you will see and feel all the benefits later in your life. 


What are the benefits of using resistance bars?

Increases tendons strength

How to improve tendon strength?

You already do resistance training? Well, good news, not only do the muscles get stronger by implementing resistance or weights to your training routine, but also your tendons and ligaments will benefit from it. They can become stronger, more flexible and enduring. It is clinically proven that training with a resistance bar increases the strength of tendons by 72% for tennis elbow patients. 

Increases strength & ROM

How to increase muscle strength and range of motion?

By training with a resistance bar, you are challenged to make movements you rarely do during everyday activities. This helps you to increase your range of motion (ROM) and will make you feel more balanced in your body. An increased ROM allows you to go deeper and easier into your movements while building strength and stability at the same time. 

Reduces muscles soreness & joint pain

How to reduce muscle soreness and joint pain?

The resistance bar is designed to help to improve upper extremities, reducing muscle soreness and joint pain through bending, twisting or oscillating the resistance bar. The rotating movements add stretching exercises to your workout, which makes it easier for the muscles to recover more quickly. The joints are gently mobilized, and tight areas are relieved. 


Join our sequence for upper body, shoulder, elbow and forearm strength. Use the bar to twist, rotate, bend and last but definitely not least for rolling out your forearms. 


Find a good standing position or sit upright on a chair. Make sure to align your spine before you begin. Bring your shoulders back and away from the ears, lengthen your neck and activate your core. Grab your resistance bar and hold it away from your torso with slightly bent elbows. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. On your exhale and with the power of your shoulders, biceps, triceps and forearms curl the bar slowly down. Try to pull your elbows together as you bend the bar.  Feel that activation in your abdominals! With a controlled, slow motion bring the resistance bar back to starting position. Try 10 repetitions. 

Starting position as in #1: Find a good standing position or sit upright on a chair. Make sure to align your spine before you begin. Bring your shoulders back and away from the ears, lengthen your neck and activate your core. Grab your resistance bar and hold it away from your torso with slightly bent elbows. 

Keep your left arm steady and twist the bar by bending your right elbow and rotating your right hand inwards. Simultaneously bend your left hand down to get the maximal effect of this exercise. Find your way back to starting position with controlled movement. Repeat 10 times on the right side and 10 times on your left. 


Starting position as in #1: Find a good standing position or sit upright on a chair. Make sure to align your spine before you begin. Bring your shoulders back and away from the ears, lengthen your neck and activate your core. This time grab that bar with your palms ‘facing the sky’ and hold it away from your torso with slightly bent elbows. 

Bend the bar downwards by rotating your elbows upwards to make a U-shape with your resistance bar. Keep your shoulders low and slowly and with control, bring your arms back to starting position. Repeat 10 times. 

Find a good standing position or sit upright on a chair. Make sure to align your spine before you begin. Bring your shoulders back and away from the ears, lengthen your neck and activate your core. Grab the bar with your left hand (palm ‘facing the sky’) and with your right hand (palm ‘facing the floor’). By doing that, add a twist, so you will feel a resistance right away. 

Rotate your left arm inwards and extend it simultaneously. Bend your right arm inwards and rotate your wrist slightly outwards. Perfect for your upper body strength. It can be a bit tricky to find the move, just keep going. 10 repetitions on each side. 


Sit upright on a chair with a desk in front of you. Make sure to align your spine before you begin. Bring your shoulders back and away from the ears, lengthen your neck and activate your core. 

Place your right elbow on the desk (take a flat pillow if you need support). Grab the resistance bar with your hand and put it vertical (upright) on the desk. Now, try to bend (ulnar deviation) the bar forward without lifting your elbow. Pay close attention to your wrist alignment here and make sure the power comes from your arm muscles, not from your joint movement. Repeat 10 times and take it to the other side. 


Sit upright on a chair with a desk in front of you. Make sure to align your spine before you begin. Bring your shoulders back and away from the ears, lengthen your neck and activate your core. 

Place the bar on the desk in front of you and let one end touch your belly so it won’t slide away. With your right hand grab the other end and bend (radial deviation) the bar upwards. Keep the end (close to your body) on the desk. Try to make a move from your forearm and upper arm muscles and not from your joints. Keep your wrists aligned. Repeat 10 times and take it to the other side. 


Find a good standing position or sit upright on a chair. Make sure to align your spine before you begin. Bring your shoulders back and away from the ears, lengthen your neck and activate your core. 

Bend your right elbow to a 90° angle and keep it close to your torso. Grab the bar with your hand with your knuckles pointing forward and keep it upright. With your left hand grab the other end and twist it, so your left palm is ‘facing’ forward. Twist your left hand more, orient the bar horizontal to the floor and follow the movement with your right hand. The bar should be now untwisted. Repeat 10 times on each side. 


Find a good standing position or sit upright on a chair. Make sure to align your spine before you begin. Bring your shoulders back and away from the ears, lengthen your neck and activate your core. 

Grab the bar with your right hand (palm ‘facing the sky’) and hold it horizontal in front of your chest. Lift your left elbow high and grab the other end of the bar with your left hand, so your palm is ‘facing’ forward. Twist the bar, rotate your left elbow back, so both arms look the same. Twist your left side a little bit further and even it out by following with your right hand. Repeat 10 times on one side and 10 times on the other. 

Do you want to use your own weight more effectively in your training routine? Whether for rehabilitation purposes or strengthening exercises? 

With simple exercises and little effort, you can significantly improve your flexibility and performance of your muscles, tissues and ligaments with the help of our Asteroid Rollers. Regular and selective training promotes muscle regeneration, releases tension and improves muscle performance. 

You may feel tensions that do not dissolve through daily movement. Maybe you need a little support to get to the ‘sweet’ spots?  

Tensions can lead to stiffness and pain in all areas of the body. This can either happen due to muscle cramping after exercising or by merely having wrong body posture. 

Sitting for too long at the computer, incorrect smartphone use, wrong sleeping position and many more can add up to stiffness and tensions in your body. Our Asteroid Rollers can not only be used to relieve pain and assist in recovery, but can also be implemented as a versatile tool to help build up strength. 

Strengthening exercises are as equally important as stretching and regeneration movements to keep your body in balance. With our Asteroid Roller collection, you can skilfully learn new moves and expand the range of your training routine. 


What are the benefits of using a Meglio Asteroid Roller?

1. Go pain-free

How to relieve chronic pain? Many of us suffer to some degree from chronic pain at least once in our lifetime. Most chronic impairments are due to lack of hydration, poor posture or incorrect movement. We can influence many things by changing our lifestyles. By rolling your muscles regularly, you can contribute to having less pain and feeling more refreshed. Rolling your muscles might feel awkward and painful in the beginning. Just keep going, and in the blink of an eye, you will be able to explore all the benefits.

2. Nourish your whole system

How to improve nutrient supply in the body? By rolling your muscles and tissues, you bring vast amounts of pressure on targeted areas for a short time. This enhances the blood circulation. Stagnant and stiff tissue is supplied with vital nutrients and fluids. Well-nourished with fresh blood, these areas can more easily remove toxins and other impurities. 

3. Enjoy long-term effects

How to feel better in the long run? Regular rolling makes the tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, etc.) more flexible, resilient and smooth. You will recover faster from performance stress, pain and fatigue. Body fluids can circulate more efficiently, resulting in faster recovery after physical activity. You will also feel a relief in your brain, as you will have much less tension. 


Grab your an asteroid roller and enjoy this little strengthening sequence that will make you feel invincible. Combine regeneration and strengthening in one go. Take as many rests as you need. Remember to breathe properly and stay hydrated. 

1. Glute Roll

Asteroid Foam Roller

Get seated on the roller with your right hip and cross your left ankle over your right knee. Gently, roll back and forth and feel your deep hip rotators. Take your time and when you are ready, switch to your left side.

2. Massage your shoulder blades

Get seated on the ground and place your asteroid roller behind you. Lie back down with your roller horizontally touching the shoulder blades. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips by pressing the feet into the ground. Use your feet to move the roller on your shoulder blades back and forth. Repeat as you feel and come back down with control.

3. Quad Roll

Come down to your forearms with your body facing the ground. Place an Asteroid Roller underneath your hips. Engage your core to avoid overarching in the lower back. Roll down and pause just above your knees. Slowly take it back up to the hips.

Use this as a guideline to prevent yourself from running injuries. Give each exercise a try with up to 8 repetitions. In the beginning, it might hurt, but this feeling will ease over time. Make sure to take your time for each move and breath smoothly throughout the exercises.

4. Illotibial roll

Lie on your right side with the foam roller just below your hip bone, and your right leg extended straight out. Now bend your left knee and place it in front of your right leg. For support, place your hand on the ground. Slowly roll your outer thigh from the hips to just above your knee. Rollback and play with moving back and forth as you feel. Switch to the other leg.

5. Calf Roll

Place your Asteroid ball or roller under your calves, right below the knee. Make sure you don’t roll to the back of your knee. Put your hands to the ground, right under your shoulders, fingers pointing forward. Push your hands into the ground and lift your hips, while balancing your calves on the roller. Slowly roll back and forth. When you are ready, switch legs.


Whether you like to expand and refresh your daily routine or if you want to experience completely new ways to do something good for your body, the Asteroid Roller is the perfect tool for this purpose. Get fit with Meglio, for a better you.